11 Surprising Benefits of Sobriety That Will Transform Your Life

how being sober changed my life

Without the burden of addiction, you won’t be forced to plan your life around your next drink or dose. Because you won’t be dealing with the effects of substances or spending hours seeking out drugs or alcohol, you’ll have plenty of time to devote to new hobbies, activities and friends. That being said, you might not be at a place where you want people to know you’re not drinking, and that’s OK. You can provide an excuse, like that you’re on antibiotics, or you aren’t feeling great or want to feel fresh for something you have going on the next day. It’s important to remember that you never have to give yourself up to make other people comfortable—ever. Whether you’re stating a one-sentence response (“I don’t drink”) or using a small excuse, the only thing to https://ecosoberhouse.com/ consider is whether you are comfortable, and whether your boundaries are being upheld.


The thought of missing a daily post created the fear that people may think is life better sober I had failed. Whilst this may or may not have been true, it was very real for me and created a sense of achievement each time I clicked ‘post’. I found stories of celebrities and normal people like you and me who had gone sober and used those to inspire me to keep going. Like a snowball gaining size as it rolls down a hill I gained momentum and each day became easier to get through without drinking.

how being sober changed my life

Going out on a week-night and still being awesome at work the next day.

There are three medications that are FDA-approved for alcohol use disorder, but I’m only mentioning two. The third is antabuse, and in my experience, it’s punitive and ineffective, so I’m not getting into it here. If you want more information about Sobriety it, you can find it at the same SAMHSA link below. I was driving for work today and thought back to how far I’ve come. I’m clean and sober now for a good while and I feel so damn GOOD about life. Not everyone who gets sober will immediately be able to identify the ways in which their life is changing for the better.

Alcohol app could save 4,500 lives, study finds

how being sober changed my life

Without substances, many people in recovery report clearer thoughts and more vivid experiences of the world around them. Throughout therecovery process, you’ll also learn new skills and coping strategies to handle emotions and feelings constructively. You may find life is more enjoyable and manageable without the substances you once depended on.

how being sober changed my life

It’s no secret that taking pills in excess can cause great damage to the liver, kidneys, intestines, and other vital organs. However, people often don’t think about long-term damage when they take drugs, making it easier to write off. Drugs has short-term effects on physical health as well. Taking heavily for a few years can lead to weight loss.

  • This might seem like a terrible thing; this is not a terrible thing.
  • If you want more information about it, you can find it at the same SAMHSA link below.
  • Find people you can be honest with and be honest with them.
  • Drugs are expensive, especially when you take it daily.
  • It’s hard for me to describe it without closing my eyes and getting a little emotional.
  • Thankfully, there have only been a few times when someone at the table hasn’t pointed it out on my behalf and adjusted accordingly.

Insights from the community

how being sober changed my life

But these benefits are available to you if you keep at it. Your world is not going to transform completely in three months. Your sobriety is heavily dependent on being both optimistic and realistic.

Holiday Season and Sobriety

I quit that day and finally decided to get the help I so desperately needed. The topic of sobriety has the potential to change lives positively and profoundly. Therefore, I want to share a bit of my journey to sobriety and how it has changed my life. I believe that by sharing my story, I can offer hope and encouragement to those struggling with substance abuse and consider taking steps towards a sober lifestyle. When you stop using drugs and alcohol, you will start to feel better physically and emotionally over time. Substance use cannumb your physical sensesor heighten them to the point of being overwhelming.

  • The first step is to commit to a reputable addiction treatment program.
  • I never really felt like I had a choice in social situations or the people I was around.
  • When you’re an alcoholic and you’re not sober, you feel trapped.
  • Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
  • My students and coworkers routinely told me how fat I had gotten (cultural differences).

I don’t think I even really liked drinking — it just seemed to make things a lot easier. And it seemed to make things more fun for awhile. Now when people ask, I tell them that it just doesn’t suit me… It doesn’t do anything for my spiritual state, my mental state, or my creative state. It takes from that and I don’t want to play with fire. Facing a potential problem and getting sober is not an easy choice, but for millions of people each year it’s a necessary one.

Other times I’ll have an alcoholic drink, but only towards the end of the night to perk myself up a bit if I feel like I’m starting to lack energy. Knowing that I stayed in control of myself really helps to lessen my paranoia the next day. Don’t get me wrong, none of that feels great now. But the second I started talking about it—first with other people in recovery and later for a broader internet audience—all of that shame started to lose its charge. There were still things I regretted, but I could talk about them.

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